Cost Estimating for Healthcare & Laboratory Projects

B&F has developed cost estimates for a wide range of healthcare and laboratory facilities, including projects at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Penn Medicine, and Johnson & Johnson. The volume of estimates our team produces makes us acutely aware of the factors that influence the cost of specialized healthcare and research facilities. This knowledge, and our continual monitoring of market conditions, has made B&F a trusted source for healthcare and lab cost consulting.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Client: KSS Architects
Philadelphia, PA
Construction of a new building of approximately 250,000 square feet. An enhanced outdoor space will be added along with office space, wet labs, and a co-generation facility.

Bowman Gray Medical Lab
Brown University Medical Plaza
Bryn Mawr Hospital
Bryn Mawr Lab, Bryn Mawr College
Cardiac Outpatient, Crozer Hospital
Carnegie Mellon University Lab
Chester County Hospital ER
Chestnut Hill Rehab Hospital
CHOP Addition, Philadelphia, PA
CHOP Karabots, Philadelphia, PA
CHOP Renovations, Philadelphia, PA
Christiana Hospital
Colburn Labs
Cyclotron Delivery System, UPenn
Dupont Labs, Swarthmore College
ECU Dental School
Einstein Cardiac Offices
Einstein ER Renovation
Einstein Master Plan
Ethicon Corp. Bio-Skills
Fox Chase Cancer Center Research Bldg
Fox Chase Medical Labs
Friends Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Geisinger Clinic
Geriatric Day Care
Hahnemann Hospital Renovation
Haverford Hospital Masterplan
IBM Building, Research Triangle
Jefferson Hospital Animal Facility
Johnson & Johnson Labs
Linear Accelerator and Dorm, MCP Hahnemann
Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital
Misericordia MC, Multiple Projects
Orbisonia Nursing Home
Ortho Spectroscopy Lab

Penn Biomedical Research Facility
Penn Dental School
Penn John Morgan Lab
Penn Medical School Multiple Projects
Penn Nursing School Bldg
Pennswood Village Life Care Center
Philadelphia Naval Hospital
Philadelphia Psychiatric Center
Princeton Jadwin Labs
Reading Hospital Addition
Reading Hospital Nursing Dorm
Reading Hospital Psych. Center
Rehab Unit, HUP
Rorer Labs
Salk Hall Dental, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Schlumberger Labs
Schering Lab
Shore Memorial Hospital
Sisson Veterinary Lab
Somerset Hospital
St. Mary’s Manor
Strawberry Mansion H.C.
The Highlands Lifecare Center
Tredyffrin Personal Care Facility
UMD New Dental School
UMDNJ Lab Renovation
University of Virginia CAS Lab Bldg
University Park, MIT
USDA Food Safety Lab
VAMC, East Orange, NJ
VAMC, Philadelphia, PA
Villanova Material Testing Lab
Walnut Square Life Care Center
Wayne Lab, Cornell University
Western PA Biotech Labs
Wistar Institute Master Plan
York Hospital Master Plan

Client Testimonials

“We really consider B&F to be a part of the team. We often tell potential clients about our great working relationship and how B&F understands not only the general market conditions, but our design sensibility and intentions to meet the budget and design goals early in the process.”

John Hatch, FAIA, LEED AP, Principal CCHNJ

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Cost Estimating Services


B&F Cost Estimators have 25 years of cost data to back up estimates for projects as iconic and complex as the Statue of Liberty.